Re-enrolling a Student

Creation date: 1/30/2019 8:26 AM    Updated: 1/16/2025 10:51 AM


If a student re-enrolls within 180 days

Use the previous SMART record/profile so that they return in the same SAP status that they left in.

You will not be able to charge the student any more tuition for the remainder of their training than they were originally charged.

This is the same as an LOA; reapply for federal funding that had to be returned when the student dropped.
Remember to remove scheduled hours after the last date of attendance for all drops (and grads)

If a student re-enrolls after 180 days

Use the same student profile when re-enrolling, to ensure the student returns in the same SAP status they left in.

Use the Financial Tab to list any new charges for tuition, fees, and books & kit that the student will incur; leave the previous information for the initial enrollment period.

Change the contract hour column to reflect the actual amount of hours that the student attended before they dropped. When the student re-enrolls add the remaining hours left in the program for the student to complete.

You’re allowed to charge whatever your hourly rate is today along with any re-enrollment charges or any other charges associated with re-enrollment within your institution. You cannot do this if a student re-enrolls within the 180-day window.