How to configure a student who dropped and re-enrolled under a new contract

Creation date: 8/29/2017 9:52 AM    Updated: 9/27/2023 12:37 PM    dropped

  1. In the financial tab you will move students full original contract cost up to Line 1 and enter in their total hours as of their drop date into the Contract Hours on Line 1.
  2. Then break down the student's new contract amount on the remaining lines (Contract Hours on Line 2 will be their remaining hours for the program)
  3. On the ledger you will input a CNCL post for their new contract amount (The post date will be a day before their first ledger post)
  4. Then you will input in another CNCL post in a negative amount for their first PP of the new contract on the day they re-enrolled.
Support videos and documents for the ledger system in OnlineSMART: Ledgers and Financial Aid.