HEERF 2022 reporting instructions

Creation date: 5/12/2022 9:20 AM    Updated: 3/23/2023 8:14 AM    2022 annual annual report annual reports heerf
Location: Reports (Standard) > Annual > HEERF > 2022 > 2022 HEERF Annual Performance Report Form Student List

General Details:
This report looks at student counts for demographic information such as Sex, Race, Age, and Enrollment Type, as well as their active status as of the end of the year. The report also looks at the students TitleIV eligibility status, Pell money received, as well as money received from HEERF (note, for the report to pull properly, all ledger entries related to HEERF MUST HAVE "HEERF" in the Check Number field). The students must also be enrolled in a course with a proper CIP code.

The following data must be entered correctly in Student and Alumni profiles in order to obtain accurate results from generating the HEERF Reports:
Course CIP code
Enrollment Type
Start Date
Actual Grad Date
Drop Date
TitleIV eligibility status
Pell disbursements
HEERF disbursemnts

Attached to the article is the macro to run with the HEERF annual report. Make sure to follow the instructions to run the macro correctly. For reporting in 2022 (reporting on 2021 data) make sure the parameters are set according to the screenshot below, then use the macro on the report.

Start Date: 1/1/21, End Date: 12/31/21, As of Date: 12/31/21

In order to get the info for 10b repeat the process above but with the following parameters:

Start Date: 1/1/20, End Date: 12/31/20, As of Date: 12/31/20

In order to get the info for 10c repeat the process above but with the following parameters:

Start Date: 1/1/19, End Date: 12/31/19, As of Date: 12/31/19

For 10b and 10c, data is only required from the final sheet (labeled 10a)

NOTE: for HEERF reporting, they only want schools to categorize enrollment types by either full time or part time. If you use 3/4 time or half time, it does NOT need to be changed on the students profiles. Once the HEERF report is exported to excel and the macro is run on it, you can fix their enrollment type on the excel sheet itself. This allows schools to keep accurate records on the students profiles, as well as letting them report accurate numbers for HEERF.
Support documents for the reporting system in OnlineSMART.