Recommended Ledger Procedures -Title-IV Student Ledgers

Creation date: 5/17/2023 8:11 AM    Updated: 6/23/2023 7:44 AM
Next Article In This Series: Recommend Ledger Procedures - Title-IV Disbursements

Additional Resources: Recommended Ledger Procedures - CNCL Ledger Type
OnlineSMART Training Video: Recommended Ledger Procedures - Cancel and Post Payment Periods

Topics covered in this Article:

Hiding Future Payment Periods
Adding Payment Periods back to student ledgers

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the recommended procedure for preparing Title-IV student ledgers prior to disbursing any awards. The process contained herein is not required, but is our recommended procedure for keeping Title-IV ledgers organized as well as easy to read and to run reports on.

Hiding Future Payment Periods

The first step in every Title IV student’s ledger should be to hide all future payment periods. This will make it so that only the current payment period’s balance is shown in the balance field.This will not only ensure that you pay off each Payment Period exactly, but will also allow you to keep track of how much is owed to the student as an overage as the balance will go negative once the contract costs are fully paid.

  1. The first thing to do will be to add up the ContractDollars field for all future payment periods, using the table in the student’s Financial tab.

    • Using the below screenshot, you would add the ContractDollars together from Payment Periods 2 and 3, leaving a balance of $5725 in the student's ledger

  2. Once you have this total, go to the student’s Ledger page and click the New button in the upper left corner.

      1. When the new ledger entry opens, enter the appropriate dates in the date field

      2. Select the CNCL Ledger Type

      3. In the Amount field, enter the total you got from adding the future payment periods ContractDollars together.

      4. In the CheckNumber field, you may enter something similar to “Hiding future PP’s” “ or “Hiding PP’s 2, 3”

      5. Allocate the total in the Amount field to the Other category in the table at the bottom of this screen

      6. Verify the Year shown in the Year field represents the Academic Year this post is being applied to

      7. Once you have verified that steps listed above have been followed, and are certain that the dates in Disbursement and Post Date fields are accurate, clikc Save in the upper left corner.

  3. After clicking Save in the New Ledger Entry screen, you will be taken back to the student’s ledger page. Here you can verify the Balance is now reflecting just the amount owed for Payment Period 1.

Adding Hidden Payment Periods Back To The Ledger

When each payment period is completely paid off, and all student overages have been given to the student so that the balance for that Payment Period is brought to 0.00, you will need to add the next payment periods balance back to the student’s ledger.

  1. Create a new ledger entry in the student’s ledger

  2. Enter the appropriate dates into the two date fields at the top

  3. Select the CNCL ledger type

  4. In the CheckNumber field, you may enter something similar to “Adding PP 2”

  5. In the Amount field, enter the amount found in the ContractDollars field of the next upcoming Payment Period, as shown in the screenshot above. Make the Amount negative:

  6. Once you have verified that the steps listed above have been followed, and are certain that the Disbursement and Post Date fields are accurate, click Save in the upper left corner.

Now that you have prepared the student's ledger for Title-IV Disbursement posts, you are ready to start disbursing Title-IV awards to the student's ledger.

Next Article In This Series: Recommend Ledger Procedures - Title-IV Disbursements
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