SMART Support Guide for 2023 NACCAS (2022 Reporting)

Creation date: 7/17/2023 7:17 AM    Updated: 11/1/2023 8:13 AM    2022 annual annual report guide naccas
              NACCAS 2022 SUPPORT GUIDE

All information in the NACCAS 2022 Annual Reports reflects the date range 1/1/22 - 12/31/22 and the Actual Grad/License Exam Date of 11/30/2023.

The following data must be entered correctly in Student and Alumni profiles in order to obtain accurate results from generating the NACCAS Reports:

  • Contact information (Email Address and/or Home Phone)
  • Start Dates
  • Graduate Status Code
  • Drop Dates
  • Pass Place Code
  • Drop Codes
  • License Exam Dates
  • Reenroll Dates
  • Employer Information
  • Contract Grad Dates
  • Actual Grad Dates

Some key points to be aware of are as follows:

The report excludes students who dropped from their course within the early withdrawal standard: a. For the early withdrawal standard, the code only looks at the first drop. If a student were to drop/reenroll and drop again within the 30 or 60 days, he or she will be included. By reenrolling, this student has made a commitment and is now considered a professional student.

  1. Students enrolled with contract hours that is 899 hours or less and drop 30 days or less from their start date are excluded.

  2. Students enrolled with contract hours that is 900 hours or greater and drop 60 days or less from their start date are excluded.

The reports are also excluding students that have a drop code suggesting the student dropped due to transferring to another school, death, permanent disability, active duty military service, or drop due to covid, etc. (S*, T*, V*, Y*, I, U*, L, or M).

This report excludes any student in a course with no CIP code (CIP code will read 0.000 in the course setup).

  • SMART has adapted a Drop Code and Graduate Status codes for COVID19

  • The Drop Code is to be used when a student attests in writing that they are choosing to withdraw (drop) due to reasons related to COVID19.

  • The Graduate Status codes are to be used if the student previously sat for all parts of the exam and failed one or more portions of the licensure exam and attests in writing that they elected not to retest for reasons related to COVID19, or if the student attests in writing that either they:

    1. Elected not to pursue employment within their field of study for reasons related to COVID19

    2. Were unwilling to obtain licensure for reasons related to COVID19, or

    3. Were unable to secure employment as employers were closed or had limited capacity for reasons related to COVID19

The NACCAS report has 3 portions for 2022 which will be further detailed in the sections below:

  • Annual Report Cohort Grid

  • Exempted Students List

  • Step 4 and 5 Annual Report Worksheet

NACCAS – Annual Report Cohort Grid

    Column 1 – This should be displaying a list of students, alphabetized by last name, that have a Contract Grad Date in the reporting period that are assigned to the Course that the report is generating for unless excluded by drop code or early withdrawal standard. Note: if the student is excluded due to early withdrawal or drop code, but then reenrolls with a contract graduation date in the reporting period, they will be on the report.

      ** To check this, query a Student General Report by the Course and Contract Grad Date Range (1/1/2022 – 12/31/2022). You may need to do some initial comparisons to see if they fall into the early withdrawal standard and/or the drop code exclusions.

    Column 2 – This will display the corresponding students Home Phone and/or Email Address.

      ** To check this, refer to the General Report you ran earlier for the student contact info.

    Column 3 – This will display the corresponding students Contract Grad Date.

      **To check this, refer to the General Report you ran earlier for the student’s Contract Grad Date.

    Column 4 – This will display a Y if the corresponding student has an Actual Grad Date prior to 11/30/2023, or an “N” if they do not.

      **To check this, refer to the General Report you ran earlier for the students that have Actual Grad Dates prior to the date of the report.

    Column 5 – This will display the corresponding student’s Actual Grad Date if applicable, if the student does not have an actual grad the report will display “N/A”.

      **To check this, refer to the General Report you ran earlier for Actual Grad Dates.

    Column 6 – This will display an “E” if the student is eligible for placement, an “I” if they are ineligible with the reason listed below the I, or an “N/A”.

      **To check this, query the Alumni Demographics Report by the Course and Contract Grad Date range (1/1/2022 – 12/31/2022). If they are on this report, they have graduated, and an “E” should display unless they have a Graduate Status code of F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, or C.

    Column 7 – This will display a Y if the student is eligible and has information saved in their Employer Information fields, an N if they are eligible but do not have information, or N/A if they are ineligible.

      **To check this, query an Alumni Employment History Report by the Course and Contract Grad Date range (1/1/2022 – 12/31/2022). If they are on this report, they have graduated and Employer Information will display if entered on the Alumni profile.

    Column 8 – This will display N/A if the student is ineligible or does not have an Actual Grad Date prior to the Actual Grad Date setting on the report. Otherwise it will display Employer Information (3rd, 2nd, or 1st in that order) saved on the Alumni profile or N if the Employer Information fields are blank.

      **To check this, refer to the Alumni Employment History Report you ran earlier for Employer Information.

    Column 9 – This will display N/A here if the student does not have an Actual Grad Date prior to the Actual Grad Date setting on the report. Otherwise a Y will display if the student has a License Exam Date prior to the License Exam Date setting on the report and an N if they do not.

      **To check this, refer to the Alumni Demographics Report you ran earlier for License Exam Dates.

    Column 10 – This will display N/A if the student does not have an Actual Grad Date prior to the Actual Grad Date setting on the report. A Y will display if the student has a License Exam Date prior to the License Exam Date setting on the report and a Passed Place code of P, PO, PP, PN, PR, PX or PU; otherwise an N will display.

      **To check this, refer to the Alumni Demographics Report you ran earlier for License Exam Dates and Pass Place codes.

Exempted Students List

  1. Student Name – An alphabetical list of all student being excluded from the 2022 NACCAS Annual Report Cohort Grid

    • ** To check this, query a Student General Report for Contract Grad during the date range of the report and look for any student who dropped within the Early Drop Standard (30/60), or who has a drop code of S*, T*, V*, Y*, I, U*, L, or M.

  2. Program – The program (e.g. course) for the student listed

  3. Reason Exempted from the 2022 Annual Report – self-explanatory

NACCAS – Step 4 and 5 Annual Report Worksheet

    # Began Year – All students active on the first day of the reporting period that have a Start Date other than the first day of the reporting period for the Course the report is generating for.

      **To check this, query a Student Demographic report by the Course and an Is Active On range of first day of reporting period to first day of reporting period (for example 1/1/22 - 1/1/22) and check to make sure no one’s Start Date is the first day of the reporting period.

    2022 Year Starts – An unduplicated count of all students who started or reenrolled in 2022 (or in the reporting period)

      **To check this, query a Student Demographic report by the Course and a Start Date range of the reporting period (1/1/2022 – 12/31/2022), another by Course and ReEnroll 1 Date range of the reporting period (1/1/2022 – 12/31/2022), and another by Course and ReEnroll 2 Date range of the reporting period (1/1/2022 – 12/30/2022). Add the number of students on each report together, and then subtract any names duplicated on the ReEnroll reports.

    2022-2023 Starts: Please enter the total # of students who started training between September 1, 2022 and August 31, 2023 (start and end dates inclusive)

      **To check this, query a Student Demographic report by the Course and a Start Date range of the (9/1/2022 – 8/31/2023), another by Course and ReEnroll 1 Date range (9/1/2022 – 8/31/2023), and another by Course and ReEnroll 2 Date range (9/1/2022 – 8/31/2023). Add the number of students on each report together, and then subtract any names duplicated on the ReEnroll reports.

    Item 1 – A count of students, alphabetized by last name, that have a Contract Grad Date in the reporting period that are assigned to the Course that the report is generating for unless excluded by drop code or early withdrawal standard. Note: if the student is excluded due to early withdrawal or drop code but then reenrolls with a contract graduation date in the reporting period, they will be counted on the report.

      **To check this, query a Student Demographic report by the Course and a Contract Grad Date range of the reporting period (1/1/2022 – 12/31/2023).

    Item 2 – Item 1 students that actually graduated before November 30th 2023 (or the Actual Grad Date setting on the report).

      **To check this, query a Student Demographic report by the Course and a Contract Grad Date range of the reporting period (1/1/2022 – 12/31/2022) and check how many have Actual Grad Dates prior to the Actual Grad Date setting on the report (less than 11/30/2023)

    Item 3 – Item 2 students that do NOT have a Graduate Status Code of F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, or C.

      **To check this, query an Alumni Demographics report by the Course and a Contract Grad Date range of the reporting period (1/1/2022 – 12/31/2022), check for Actual Grad Dates prior to the Actual Grad Date setting on the report (less than 11/30/2023) and the Graduate Status codes

    Item 4 – Item 3 students who were employed in a field for which their training prepared them prior to 11/30/23 (or the Actual Grad Date setting on the report).

      **To check this, query an Alumni Demographics report by the Course and a Contract Grad Date range of the reporting period (1/1/2022 – 12/31/2022), check for Actual Grad Dates prior to the Actual Grad Date setting on the report (less than 11/30/2022) and the Graduate Status codes. Also run an Alumni Employment History report and verify those Item 3 students that have Employer Information saved.

    Item 5 – Item 2 students who took their license exam prior to 11/30/22 (or the Actual Grad Date setting on the report).

      **To check this, query an Alumni Demographic report by the Course and a Contract Grad Date range of the reporting period (1/1/2022 – 12/31/2022) and check how many have Actual Grad Dates prior to the Actual Grad Date setting on the report (less than 11/30/2023) and a License Exam Date prior to the License Exam Date setting on the report (less than 11/30/2023).

    Item 6 – Item 5 students who passed their license exam prior to 11/30/23 (or the License Exam Date setting on the report).

      ** To check this count, query an Alumni Demographic report by the Course and a Contract Grad Date range of the reporting period (1/1/2022 – 12/31/2022) and check how many have Actual Grad Dates prior to the Actual Grad Date setting on the report (less than 11/30/2023), a License Exam Date prior to the License Exam Date setting on the report (less than 11/30/2023), and a Passed Place code of P, PO, PP, PN, PR, PX, or PU.

    Item 7 – We do not generate a response to this question for schools; they must fill it in themselves.

      **Step 5 is at the end of the Step 4 Worksheet for schools to see their overall graduation, placement, and licensure rates**

Completion, Placement, and Licensure Rates

  • Graduation Rate = Item 2 / Item 1

  • Placement Rate = Item 4 / Item 3

  • Licensure Rate = Item 6 / Item 5

  • Overall Rates

  • Overall Graduation Rate = total of all item 2 results / total of all item 1 results

  • Overall Placement Rate = total of all item 4 results / total of all item 3 results

  • Overall Licensure Rate = total of all item 6 results / total of all item 5 results

Step-by-step guides for utilizing various functions, reports, and data verification in OnlineSMART.