Close Out Tab: Colors Legend

Creation date: 3/6/2018 12:02 PM    Updated: 1/21/2019 11:46 AM

A day on the calendar which is not assigned to a shift in the Time Slots tab, or if it is assigned to a shift that day has not passed yet.


A white day which has been selected by the user.


A day on the calendar which has been assigned to a shift and which has not been closed out or is ready to be closed out.


A red day which has been selected by the user.


A day which has been closed and where all of the people on the shift have time entries. When a blue day is selected, it does not change color.


A day that has been closed out, but not all of the people in the shift have time entries. This could be because a student was absent or they were not scheduled for that day. If a clock entry is added to an already solid blue day, then the blue day will become blue and red. This includes manual clock entries and time clock retrieved entries. However, when a clock entry is removed from that day, the day will return to solid blue. Sometimes the color will not change until the user clicks on the day or any day on the calendar.


A blue and red day which has been selected by the user.


A blue and red day where the day has then been removed from the shift in the Time Slots tab.


A blue and white day which has been selected by the user.