SMART Support FAQ for 2024 GE/FVT Reporting
Welcome to the SMART Support Guide for 2024 GE/FVT Reporting. Below are some of the most commonly asked questions from our Support Line as people navigate the process of reviewing and submitting these reports.
- SMART provides both copies for submitting this data, regardless of which site you are using to submit the report:
- If you are submitting to SAIG, select:
- NSLDS GE Program Submittal
- NSLDS GE Student Submittal
- If you are submitting to the NSLDS site select:
- NSLDS GE Student Submittal Spreadsheet 2024
- NSLDS GE Program Submittal Spreadsheet 2024
- These two reports will be much easier to use for data review and verification as they have all the field names listed in the first row like a typical spreadsheet.
(This may not be an exhaustive list. Please feel free to reach out if you notice any fields that are not populating with data as expected. Also, if it would be more convenient for you, please feel free to reach out to our Support line for more personalized assistance.)
There will be some fields you will need to update manually, as that data is not stored in OnlineSMART.
- Student Submittal:
- Column V: Allowance for Housing and Food
- This information is not stored in OnlineSMART. Therefore, you will need to use your own data to fill this out for each student after exporting the report to “Excel 2003” in OnlineSMART.
- Program Submittal:
- Column H: Published Length of Program
- This will need to be updated for each program listed.
- The format is a six digit number, with an “imaginary” decimal place after the third digit:
- 52 weeks, for example, would be: 052000
- 8 ½ weeks would be: 008500
- Column I: Published Length of Program Measurement
- This will need to be updated for each program listed.
- If Column H is measured in Weeks, this column needs a W
- If Column H is measured in Months, this column needs an M
- Column J: Weeks in Title IV Academic Year
- This column generally is the same for every course and should show 052000.
- There may be situations where this is not the case, however, and if you are unsure, we suggest reaching out to NSLDS directly for clarification.
- Column M: Accrediting Agency Name
- This will need to be manually filled out by the school
- NSLDS documentation states “The name of the agency that accredits the program”
- Student Submittal
- Most of the data on this report will be boilerplate information for the Course they are enrolled in, and this should typically be the same for a majority of your students.
- What you want to look out for are “anomalies.” If you scroll through the various “allowance” columns and notice one that doesn’t make sense, go to the student’s OnlineSMART profile, and review it for accuracy. If changes are made, remember to refresh the report to update its data.
- Program Submittal
- Column P: Number of students who passed Licensure Exam
- This pulls from ALUMNI profiles in OnlineSMART.
- Every Alumni profile in OnlineSMART should have an appropriate Pass: code and a License Exam Date that lands between 7/1/2023 – 6/30/2024 in order for this field to populate correctly.
- If you need help generating a list of profiles to update, please reach out to our Support line and we can help you get that list generated.
- Column Q: Count of Enrolled Students in the Program
- This reflects the number of students that at some point were “active” between 7/1/2023 and 6/30/2024.
Step-by-step guides for utilizing various functions, reports, and data verification in OnlineSMART.