Time Definitions

Creation date: 11/26/2018 3:21 PM    Updated: 3/15/2019 12:43 PM    3/4 time full time half time part time
These are the definitions of Full Time, ¾ Time, Half Time and Part Time and how to utilize them for reporting. These can be selected in two places on student profiles:

  1. Academics tab > Enrollment Type (this location setting populates reports)
  2. Financial tab > Contract Type


Department of Education
The DOE considers a student who attends 24 hours or more Full Time and a student that attends 23.9 hours or less Part Time. The DOE only considers Full Time and Part Time, if you set a student to ¾ or Half, the reports will consider the student to be Full Time.

The IRS Instructions state: "Check this box if the student was at least a Half Time student during any academic period that began in [year]. A Half Time student is a student enrolled for at least half the Full Time academic workload for the course of study the student is pursuing. Your institution's standard for a Half Time student work load must equal or exceed the standards established by the Department of Education under the Higher Education Act."


Your school's definition of Part Time may differ slightly, and Part Time is the one selection that will automatically un-check Box 8. When the above definitions indicate that Box 8 in the student's 1098-T report needs to be checked, Smart recommends the following:
  1. Print a query report of all Part Time students
  2. Change their Enrollment Types to one of the other selections
  3. Run electronic filing and 1098-T forms
  4. Change the students back to Part Time


For IPEDS, SMART will allow you to choose if Full Time includes ¾ or ¾ and Half Time students as well.