Support Guide for the ACCSC Annual Report - 2018 Location:
Reports (Standard) > Annual > ACCSC > 2017/2018 > Graduation Employment Chart; Graduation Employment Chart Detail; Characteristics of Student Enrollment; Characteristics of Student Enrollment Detail; Program Enrollment Summary; Program Enrollment Summary Detail General Details: provides a number of reports that can be used to provide the figures necessary for reporting on the 2017/2018 ACCSC Annual Report. The ACCSC Annual Reports for 2017/2018 submittal that are provided in are:
Graduation Employment Chart; Graduation Employment Chart Detail; Characteristics of Student Enrollment; Characteristics of Student Enrollment Detail; Program Enrollment Summary; Program Enrollment Summary Detail. SMART does not provide any data on parts 1 – 2(c) as they are to be filled by the client themselves and we do not store the information that is being requested in those parts. The information generated on these reports is based on data input into students’ profiles and ledgers, and relies on the fact that information has been correctly input into those areas of the system.
This guide will break down each report that is found within for the 2017/2018 ACCSC Annual Report and outline the data being pulled in particular.
ACCSC Characteristics of Student Enrollment Student Enrollment as of July 01, 2017: Total number of students who are active as of 7/1/2017
Additional enrollments: Total number of students whose enrollment date is greater than 6/30/2017 and less than 7/1/2018
Total Enrollments: This number is the sum of the previous two questions.
Students Graduated: Total number of students who had an actual graduation date no earlier than 7/1/2017 and no later than 6/30/2018
Students who withdrew or were terminated: Total number of students who had a drop date no earlier than 7/1/2017 and no later than 6/30/2018
Total Enrollment as of June 30, 2018: Total number of students active as of 6/30/2018; Student enrollment represents “Total Enrollments” minus “Students Graduated” minus “Students who withdrew or were terminated.”
Total student enrollment in any avocational / continuing education courses July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018: Will research if this is something we are able to track.
The following sections are related to percentages of students (based on the count of student enrolled as of 6/30/2018) who had received title IV and non-title IV assistance:
a.Title IV Financial Assistance: Of the total amount of students enrolled as of 6/30/2018, list the percentage of students who had ledger postings using type DISB listed with Program (ACG, FCWSP, FDLPS, FDLPU, FFELS, FFELU, FSEOG, NSG, PELL, PERKINS, PLUS, PLUSD, TEACH) with disbursement dates ranging from 7/1/2017 to 6/30/2018
b.Title IV Pell Grants: Of the total amount of students enrolled as of 6/30/2018, list the percentage of students who had ledger postings using type DISB listed with Program (PELL) with disbursement dates ranging from 7/1/2017 to 6/30/2018
c.Title IV Loans: Of the total amount of students enrolled as of 6/30/2018, list the percentage of students who had ledger postings using type DISB listed with Program (FDLPS, FDLPU, FFELS, FFELU, FSEOG, NSG, PELL, PERKINS, PLUS, PLUSD, TEACH) with disbursement dates ranging from 7/1/2017 to 6/30/2018
d.Non-Title IV Assistance: Of the total amount of students enrolled as of 6/30/2018, list the percentage of students who had ledger postings using type CASH listed with Program (Agencies, Grants, Inst Scholarship, LG Grant, LG Scholarship, Post 9/11, S Grant, S Scholarship, Scholarships, VEB, Yellow Ribbon) with disbursement dates ranging from 7/1/2017 to 6/30/2018
Program Enrollment Summary This section will be based on the interface provided by ACCSC and the list of approved programs that has been submitted and acknowledged by them. The following fields in this section are auto-populated from the Program tab: The following fields will be auto-populated from the Program tab: ACCSC Approved Program Title, Program Code, Credential, Date Approved by ACCSC, Program Length in Months, Approved Clock Hours, Approved Credit Hours, Is an externship offered as part of this program, Externship clock hours, and Externship credit hours. Our report should have a drop down menu that allows the client to select a specific course to provide the information listed below.
Total Tuition: This should reflect as the total amount of tuition for the program, not including any books, kit, fees, or other charges.
Additional Expenses: This should reflect as the total amount of books, kit, fees, and other charges (related to enrolling in the program).
Average starting salary for graduates: The school should estimate the potential annual starting salary (in thousands) of a student who has graduated from the program and has received employment in the trained field.
Licensure or Certification Examination is required for Employment (yes/no): Per ACCSC, Certain states may require graduates of some programs, such as cosmetology or massage therapy, to obtain a license prior to beginning employment. If licensure is required, please answer yes and remember to complete the Licensure / Certification Examination Pass Rates Chart when preparing a Graduation and Employment Chart for these programs.
Enrollment Data Do students take any portion of the program via Distance Education: Per ACCSC, if students take any portion of the program via distance education (online), please select yes.
a.If no: The Number of Students Enrolled as of 7/1/17 and Total Number of Additional Student Enrollments Between 7/1/17 and 6/30/18. The Total number of students will calculate automatically.
b.If yes: The Number of Students Enrolled as of 7/1/17(Number of students enrolled in 100% Distance Education + Number of students enrolled in an on-campus/distance education hybrid + Number of students enrolled in on-campus only (if program not offered 100% online))*
*NOTE: Schools that offer a program 100% via distance education should have a separate program listed in the approved program section. In this case, schools should enter data for students enrolled in the 100% distance education program only in the Distance Education specific PES. Students enrolled in the on-campus/distance education hybrid program should be included on the “on-campus” PES.
Total number of additional student enrollments between 7/1/17 and 6/30/18: enroll date is greater than 6/30/2017 and less than 7/1/2018
Total Students: Add Number of Students Enrolled as of 7/1/17 and additional student enrollments between 7/1/17 and 6/30/18. Per ACCSC, Total Students will calculate automatically.
Satellite Location Enrollment: If the school has students at a satellite location, check the box for additional fields to appear.
- Satellite location enrollment as of 7/1/17 - Number of additional students enrolled between 7/1/17 and 6/30/18 - Number of withdrawn or graduated students between 7/1/17 and 6/30/18 - Satellite location enrollment as of 6/30/17 (automatically populated) *NOTE:Students enrolled in the satellite location must also be included in the other categories on the PES (ex. Total students enrolled as of 7/1/16 and additional students enrolled between 7/1/16 and 6/30/17).
1. Graduated Between 7/1/17 and 6/30/18: Students who have a graduation date no earlier than 7/1/2017 and no later than 6/30/2018 broken down into category based on their graduate status code
i. Employed in field: Graduate Status Drop Down
ii. Employed in unrelated field: Graduate Status Drop Down
iii. Further Ed - 4 Year College: Graduate Status Drop Down
iv. Further Ed - 2 Year College: Graduate Status Drop Down
v. Further Ed - Trade School: Graduate Status Drop Down
vi. Further Ed - Other Training: Graduate Status Drop Down
vii. Unemployed: Graduate Status Drop Down
viii. Unknown: Graduate Status Drop Down
ix. Incarcerated: Graduate Status Drop Down
x. Military: Graduate Status Drop Down
xi. Death: Graduate Status Drop Down
xii. Medical: Graduate Status Drop Down
xiii. International: Graduate Status Drop Down
Total Graduated: Total amount of students who have a graduation date no earlier than 7/1/2017 and no later than 6/30/2018
2. Withdrew or Terminated Between 7/1/2017 and 6/30/2018: Students who have a drop date no earlier than 7/1/2017 and no later than 6/30/2018 broken down into category based on their drop reason
i. Employed in field: Drop Reason Drop Down
ii. Employed in unrelated field: Drop Reason Drop Down
iii. Incarcerated: Drop Reason Drop Down
iv. Military: Drop Reason Drop Down
v. Death: Drop Reason Drop Down
vi. Medical: Drop Reason Drop Down
vii. International: Drop Reason Drop Down
viii. Financial/Family: Drop Reason Drop Down
ix. Moved from area: Drop Reason Drop Down
x. Personal Reasons: Drop Reason Drop Down
xi. Attendance: Drop Reason Drop Down
xii. Academic: Drop Reason Drop Down
xiii. Transfer within school: Drop Reason Drop Down
xiv. Other: Drop Reason Drop Down
xv. Unknown: Drop Reason Drop Down
Total Withdrew or Terminated: Total amount of students who had a drop date no earlier than 7/1/2017 and no later than 6/30/2018
Total Number of Students Enrolled as of 6/30/18: Per ACCSC, This is the enrollment in the program as of June 30, 2018 and is automatically populated from the above totals.
For the following questions, please identify the characteristics for students enrolled as of 6/30/18: All sections provided pull from Race (White/Non-Hispanic, Black/Non-Hispanic, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, American Indian/Alaskan, Other), Education Level (No HS Diploma/GED, GED, HS Diploma, Post-Secondary, Associates, Baccalaureate, Post Baccalaureate), DOB (calculates Age), and Gender (Male, Female); Totals for each are separately totaled in Total by Credential, Total by Age, Total by Gender and Total by Race.
Graduation and Employment Chart Per ACCSC, the Graduation and Employment Chart must be submitted for each approved program with separate charts for differing normal lengths of completion, i.e., full-time, part-time, day, evening, etc. A separate G&E Chart must also be submitted for programs that are offered 100% Distance Education or if more than 50% of the program is offered at a satellite location. For programs with multiple lengths, schools should submit a separate Graduation and Employment Chart for each version of the program (e.g., two G&E Charts for a program with an 8-month version and a 12-month version) and one Program Enrollment Summary combining the numbers from each version. When calculating the cohort reporting period Beginning and Ending Dates for each G&E, please use the chart at the end of this section. The reporting period used to complete the Graduation and Employment Chart is determined by taking the program’s normal length of completion (including vacations and holidays rounded to the nearest whole number) in months multiplied by 150 percent and adding three (3) months for employment. From the Report Date of July 2018, we count back the number of months (program length in months x 150% + 3 months) to establish the Ending Date of a reporting period. From the Ending Date, we count back an additional twelve (12) months to determine the Beginning Date of the reporting period. To convert the program length in weeks to months, divide the number of weeks (including holidays and breaks) by 4.34 and round up to the nearest whole number.
Class Start Date (month/year): Determined by the program length in months; lists the month and year of each month within the range being reported on per the beginning and ending of the 12 Month Reporting Period. Ex. Beginning Reporting Period is Sept 2015, Ending Reporting Period is Aug 2016;
Number Started: Per the ACCSC G&E Glossary; Students are considered to have been in attendance for reporting purposes (Start) if, as a result of their attendance, they incur a tuition/fee or other financial obligation as specified by the institution’s refund policy. Fees or other obligations (i.e., uniforms, tools, etc.) are only those associated with actual attendance; not those considered part of the application for admission or enrollment process. In any event, any student enrolled 15 days from the scheduled start date of the program must be classified as a “start” for the purpose of reporting students on the Graduation and Employment Chart.
Transfers to Another Program: Per ACCSC, The total number of students who transferred out of this program and into another ACCSC-approved program at the school; will research how we can track this information
Transfer From Another Program: Per ACCSC, the total number of students who transferred into this program from another ACCSC-approved program at the school, and whose progress in the program is concurrent with the students in this class start date.
Total Starts plus/minus Transfers (Line 5 = 2 - 3 + 4): Determined by Number Started MINUS Transfers to Another Program PLUS Transfers from Another Program; This row will be populated if we can determine a way to track the Transfers from above.
Unavailable for Graduation: Per the ACCSC, this category removes from the graduation rate calculation students who fall into one of the following classifications: death, incarceration, active military service deployment, or the onset of a medical condition that prevents continued enrollment. Tracked by Drop code.
Students Available for Graduation (Line 7 = 5 - 6): Determined by Total Starts PLUS/MINUS Transfers MINUS Unavailable for Graduation
Withdrawn/Terminated Students: Per ACCSC, the number of students who withdrew or were terminated, within 150% of the program length (MTF), from the program. This number does not include the students classified as "Unavailable for Graduation".
Graduates within 150% of Program Length: The number of students who graduate within 150% of the stated program length (MTF)
Graduation Rate: The school's official graduation rate for each cohort and for the program within the reporting period; Determined by Graduates within 150% of Program Length DIVIDED BY Students Available for Graduation
Graduates - Further Education: The number of graduates that continue on with education in an accredited institution of higher education (postsecondary) on at least a half-time basis; Tracked by Graduate Status code.
Graduates - Unavailable for Employment: Per ACCSC, this category removes from the employment rate calculation graduates who fall into one of the following categories: death, incarceration, active military service deployment, the onset of a medical condition that prevents employment, or international students who have returned to their country of origin. Tracked by Graduate Status code.
Available for Employment: The total number of students available for employment; Determined by Graduates within 150% of Program Length MINUS Graduates - Further Education MINUS Graduates - Unavailable for Employment
Graduates - Employed in Field: The number of graduates employed in jobs for which the program trained them. Tracked by Graduate Status code.
Employment Rate: The school's official rate of graduate job attainment for each cohort and for the program for the reporting period (Line 15=14/13); Determined by Graduates - Employed in Field DIVIDED BY Available for Employment
Graduates in Unrelated Occupations: The number of graduates employed in jobs not related to the training obtained from the school’s program. Tracked by Graduate Status code.
Graduates Unemployed: The number of unemployed graduates. Tracked by Graduate Status code.
Graduates Unknown: The number of graduates for which no information about employment or unemployment is available; Tracked by Graduate Status code.
Non-Graduated Students Who Obtained Training Related Employment: The number of withdrawn/terminated students from Line 8 who obtain employment in a field related to the program in which the student was enrolled and based upon the training provided by the school; tracked by Drop code.
Employment Rate with Non-Graduated Students Who Obtained Training Related Employment:The school's supplemental employment rate which calculates the total number of graduated and non-graduated students who obtained training related employment; determined by Graduates – Employed in Field PLUS Non-Graduated Students Who Obtained Training Related Employment DIVIDED BY the total number of graduates
Licensure/Certification Examination Pass Rates Chart 1. Class Start Date: Students that started within the reporting period; This will be the same as the date used in the G&E chart
2. Number of Graduates: This will reflect the same as the G&E chart
3. # of Graduates Taking Exam: Unsure of how to track this but I imagine it would be based on all students with a license exam date.
4. # of Graduates Passing Exam: Tracked by pass/place codes.
5. Percentage of Grads Passing Exam: Of the total graduates that took the exam, display the percentage of those who had passed the exam.
Licensure/Certification Examination Agency Rate: School or 3rd party should know this, if not enter 0
Length of Program in Months | Beginning Date | Ending Date |
1 | March 2017 | February 2018 |
2 | January 2017 | December 2017 |
3 | December 2016 | November 2017 |
4 | October 2016 | September 2017 |
5 | September 2016 | August 2017 |
6 | July 2016 | June 2017 |
7 | June 2016 | May 2017 |
8 | April 2016 | March 2017 |
9 | March 2016 | February 2017 |
10 | January 2016 | December 2016 |
11 | December 2015 | November 2016 |
12 | October 2015 | September 2016 |
13 | September 2015 | August 2016 |
14 | July 2015 | June 2016 |
15 | June 2015 | May 2016 |
16 | April 2015 | March 2016 |
17 | March 2015 | February 2016 |
18 | January 2015 | December 2015 |
19 | December 2014 | November 2015 |
20 | October 2014 | September 2015 |
21 | September 2014 | August 2015 |
22 | July 2014 | June 2015 |
23 | June 2014 | May 2015 |
24 | April 2014 | March 2015 |
25 | March 2014 | February 2015 |
26 | January 2014 | December 2014 |
27 | December 2013 | November 2014 |
28 | October 2013 | September 2014 |
29 | September 2013 | August 2014 |
30 | July 2013 | June 2014 |
31 | June 2013 | May 2014 |
32 | April 2013 | March 2014 |
33 | March 2013 | February 2014 |
34 | January 2013 | December 2013 |
35 | December 2012 | November 2013 |
36 | October 2012 | September 2013 |
37 | September 2012 | August 2013 |
38 | July 2012 | June 2013 |
39 | June 2012 | May 2013 |
40 | April 2012 | March 2013 |
Step-by-step guides for utilizing various functions, reports, and data verification in OnlineSMART.