Client Support Guide for Gainful Employment

Creation date: 12/17/2018 3:07 PM    Updated: 6/24/2019 7:48 AM
GE Program Disclosure Support Guide 2019

Location: Reports->Annual->Gainful Employment/Program Disclosure-> Program Disclosure Completion and Debt

General Details: The Program Disclosure Completion and Debt report is used to populate information needed to update your school’s program disclosure information listed on your school’s website. The default reporting period for this report ranges from 7/1/2017 to 6/30/2018. The date range can be adjusted to reflect a different reporting period if need be.

There are four drop down fields provided below the date range: Published Course Length, Week/Month, Course, and Filter By. The Published Course Length should be the amount of time that you publish to complete the program in particular, and is associated with the Weeks/Months drop down option. The Course option will allow you to run the report for a particular course. The Filter By option can be set to Start Date or Is Active On, and depending on the selection, students will be brought into the report if they had a start date within the reporting period, or if they were active at any point within the reporting period.

We recommend using the 2019 Program Disclosure Normal Time Macro to determine your applicable median debt for title IV recipients who completed in normal time. This can be found in our knowledge base article (Gainful Employment Program Disclosure, Completion and Dept Report) along with a short video providing a visual walk through of generating the report and the steps taken to use the provided macro.

School and Course Information Headers:
1.OPEID: This is found in the Basic Setup (School Licenses) section under the Administration menu
2.CIP: This relates to the CIP code for the course you are generating the report for.
3.Course Name: This will show the name of the course you are generating the report for.
4.Course Description: This will show the description of the course you are generating the report for.
5.Published Course Length: This reflects the number of weeks/months needed to complete the course that the school publishes on their catalog; this is needed to be input prior to generating the report.
6.Tuition: This will reflect the current tuition charges (in total) for the course the report is being generated for.
7.Fees: This will reflect the current fee charges (in total) for the course the report is being generated for.
8.Kit/Books: This will reflect the current kit/books charges (in total) for the course the report is being generated for.
9.Other: This will reflect the current other charges (in total) for the course the report is being generated for.

Student List Headers:
1.Name: This will reflect the name of the student who was, depending on the Filter By option selected, A. Active within the reporting period, or B. Started within the reporting period.
2.Enrollment: This will reflect the enrollment type that is set on the student’s profile (Academics tab)
3.Original Start: This will reflect the original start date that is set on the student’s profile (Academics tab).
4.Start Date: This will reflect the start date that is set on the student’s profile (Academics tab).
5.Date To Complete in Normal Time: This date is calculated by taking the student’s start date, and projecting out a normal time completion date based on the amount of weeks/months input in the Published Course Length field.
a.Keep in mind that different enrollment types have varying published course lengths, so you may need to compile a separate list of students for each applicable enrollment type that your school offers for the course you are running the report for.
6.Actual Graduation Date: This will reflect the actual graduation date that is set on the student’s profile.
7.Completed In Normal Time: This column will either show the letter “Y” if a student’s actual graduation date was on or before the Date To Complete in Normal Time, or the letter “N” if a student’s actual graduation date was after the Date To Complete in Normal Time.
8.Contract Amount: This will reflect the total contract amount per the student’s profile (Financial tab).
9.Did Student Receive Title IV: This column will either show the letter “Y” if a student had received any title IV funds within the reporting period, or the letter “N” if the student had not received any title IV funds.
10.Total Title IV Loan Debt: This column will show the total amount of title IV loan debt that the student has per any title IV loans posted on their ledger.
11.Total Private Loan Debt: This column will show the total amount of private loan debt that the student has per any private loans posted on their ledger.
12.Institutional Debt As Of Actual Grad Date: This column will show the student’s contract balance as of their actual graduation date.
13.Total Debt As Of Actual Grad Date: This column will combine the Total Title IV Loan Debt, Total Private Loan Debt, and the Institutional Debt As Of Actual Grad Date amounts to provide a grand total amount in terms of the student’s debt.

Verifying Information:
·To verify all students that started in the reporting period:
oQuery the General Report (Reports > Student > General Report)
§Under the Dates tab, input the dates used for the reporting period in the Start Date fields.
§Under the Course tab, select the applicable course.
§Print the report; the total number of students on the report should reflect as the total number of students that started in that course within the reporting period.

·To verify all students that were active in the reporting period:
oQuery the General Report (Reports > Student > General Report)
§Under the Flags tab, input the dates used for the reporting period in the Is Active On fields.
§Under the Course tab, select the applicable course.
§Print the report; the total number of students on the report should reflect as the total number of students that were active in that course within the reporting period.
·To verify total title IV loan/private loan debt:
oQuery the Program Summary report (Reports > Ledger > Program Summary)
§Depending on if you are looking for starts/active students, adjust your query according to the above instructions.
§Print the report; for the program selection drop down menu, select the title IV loan program or private loan program of your choice, then press View Report
·You will need to run this multiple times depending on the loans your school accepts.
·To verify the institutional debt as of actual graduation date:
oQuery the Cumulative balance As Of report (Reports >Ledgers > Cumulative Balance As Of)
§Depending on if you are looking for starts/active students, adjust your query according to the above instructions.
§Print the report; input the As Of date as the last date of the reporting period, then press View Report
·The amount should reflect as the Contract Balance column for each student.
Step-by-step guides for utilizing various functions, reports, and data verification in OnlineSMART.