Location: Reports > Ledger > 90/10 Calculation by Student
General Details: The 90/10 Calculation by Student differs from the other 90/10 Calculation reports in that each student will be represented on one line with the ledger summary all in one row. Additionally, the report will include a column for the user to insert their ‘Clinic Revenue’, as well as Veterans Benefits (VEB). The report has a dynamic date range, which defaults to 07/01/17 to 06/30/18. After the report is run, the user will need to export it to Excel so that additional entries and edits can be made as needed. This report looks at postings to the ledger based on the dates that the user defines, so do be sure that all student ledger postings have been entered accurately.
The 90/10 Calculation by Student does check if student’s are in a course with a CIP Code or not. If the student’s course does require a CIP code, make sure that it has been entered under Administration->Course Set up->CIP; if the course is not supposed to have a CIP code, enter a zero (0).
Section 1: Student
This section includes columns A through F (A:F), and displays in order, the student’s…
A. Permit – Displays the student’s Permit Number B. First Name – Displays the student’s First Name. C. Last Name – Displays the student’s Last Name. D. SSN – Displays the student’s Social Security Number based on the selection in Basic Setup. E. Course – Displays the course that the student is enrolled in. F. Status - Displays the student’s status: Drop, Active, or Grad based on Active status, drop date entered, or Actual Grad Date.
Section 2: Gross Title IV Disbursements
This section includes columns G through K (G:K), and displays in order, the student’s…
G. Pell – Displays the total of all posts to the ledger with the program code ‘PELL’ and Type code DISB. H. Sub - Displays the total of all posts to the ledger with the program codes FDLPS or FFELS and Type code DISB. I. Unsub - Displays the total of all posts to the ledger with the program codes FDLPU or FFELU and Type code DISB. J. Plus - Displays the total of all posts to the ledger with the program code PLUS or PLUSD and Type code DISB. K. FSEOG - Displays the total of all posts to the ledger with the program code FSEOG and Type code DISB.
Section 3: FSEOG Match
This section includes column L (L:L), and displays in order, the student’s…
L. FSEOG Match - Displays the total of all posts to the ledger with the program code FSEOG MATCH.
Section 4: Return to Title IV
This section includes columns M through Q (M:Q), and displays in order, the amount that was returned to Title IV for the following programs…
M. Pell - Displays the total of all posts to the ledger with the Type code REFD and Program code PELL N. Sub - Displays the total of all posts to the ledger with the Type code REFD and Program codes FDLPS or FFELS O. Unsub - Displays the total of all posts to the ledger with the Type code REFD and Program codes FDLPU or FFELU P. Plus - Displays the total of all posts to the ledger with the Type code REFD and Program codes PLUS or PLUSD Q. FSEOG - Displays the total of all posts to the ledger with the Type code REFD and Program code FSEOG
Section 5: Title IV Credit Balance
This section includes column R (R:R), and displays in order, the student’s…
R. Title IV Credit Balance - Displays the total of all posts to the ledger with the Type code DISB to OTHER with the Program code PELL, FFELS, _______FFELU, FDLPS, or FDLPU
Section 6: Total Title IV Revenue
This section includes column S (S:S), and displays in order, the student’s…
S. Total Title IV Revenue - Displays the total of “Gross Title IV Disbursements” + “Return to Title IV”, and then - “Title IV Credit Balances”. _______a. Excel Formula for first row “=SUM(G3:K3)+SUM(M3:Q3)-R3”
Section 7: Title IV Courses
This section includes column T through X (T:X), and displays in order, the student’s…
T. Cash Check CC – If the student is in a course with a CIP Code, display and total all ledger posts with the Type code CASH or CARD, allocated _______to Tuition, Fees, Books, Equip-Tool-Kits, regardless of program. U. Non-Title IV Scholarship - If the student is in a course with a CIP Code, display and total all ledger posts with the Programs (LG Scholarship, _______S Scholarship, and Scholarships). V. Veteran Payment - If the student is in a course with a CIP Code, total and display all ledger posts with the Program (VEB). W. Non-Title IV Grant - If the student is in a course with a CIP Code, total and display all ledger posts with the Programs (Grants, LG Grant or S _______Grant). X. Clinic Revenue - This column will not display a value. This will need to be filled out by the user.
Section 8: Non-Title IV Education Training
Y. Non-Title IV Education Training – Displays the total of all posts to the ledger with the Type code CASH, CARD or MISC on the ledger from _______student’s who are in a course WITHOUT a CIP Code.
Section 9: Total Non-Title IV Revenue
Z. Total Non-Title IV Revenue - Display the sum of columns (T, U, V, W, X and Y) for each student. _______a. Excel Formula for first row “=SUM(T3:Y3)”
Section 10: 90/10 Percentage
AA. 90/10 Percentage - Calculates and displays the 90/10 calculation as a percent for each student, and rounds up at five, and out to the _______hundredths place. _______a. Excel Formula for first row “=S3/(S3+Z3)”
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