Client Support Guide for the COE Annual Reports - 2018

Creation date: 12/17/2018 3:23 PM    Updated: 12/17/2018 3:23 PM
COE Annual Report Support Guide 2018.
Location: Reports > Annual > COE
General Details: The COE Annual Report within OnlineSMART comprises of 4 reports: COE Completion Placement and Licensure, COE FTE Calculation Worksheet, COE List of Students, and COE Record of Allowable Subtractions
Our reports are dynamic and can be modified for a different date range, but will default to the dates of 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018. Our reports are based off the data input on student and alumni profiles, and will provide inaccurate results if this information is not input correctly.
The information that is required to be input on student/alumni profiles for consistency in our reports is: start dates, graduate status codes, drop dates, pass place codes, drop codes, license exam dates, re-enroll dates, contract graduation dates, and actual graduation dates.
Our reports (aside from the COE FTE Calculation Worksheet) will exclude any student with the following drop codes from the ‘Academics’ tab: ‘Transfer to another course (Within School)’, ‘Health Reasons’, ‘Permanently Disabled’, ‘Incarcerated’, ‘Deceased’, ‘Active Duty Armed Forces’, ‘Fed Govt Serv Foreign Aid’, ‘Military Transfer; Additionally, our reports will exclude any student who has a Drop Date equal to their Start Date. These students can be found on the COE Record of Allowable Subtractions report so long as they meet the criteria for exclusion.
COE Annual Completion, Placement and Licensure Form
This report pulls the enrollment, completion, placement and licensure rates for each course. A report needs to generate for each course within the school’s database. This report has a default date range of 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018, but can be changed to another date range if desired. This report will exclude any student in a course with a CIP code of 0.00
5. Beginning Enrollment: Displays a count of all students active in the course that this report is being generated for on the first day of the reporting period, that have a start date less than the first day of the reporting period.
To verify your student count, run the following query report:
Reports (Query) > Student > General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Flags > Is Active On > 7/1/2017 – 7/1/2017
a. Subtract any students who have a start date equal to 7/1/2017; also ensure to view exclusions above.
6. New Enrollees: Displays a count of all students with a start date in the reporting period for the course this report is being generated for.
To verify your student count, run the following query report:
Reports (Query) > Student > General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Start Date > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
a. Ensure to view exclusions above.
7. Cumulative Enrollment: Calculates and Displays the Sum of rows 5 and 6.
8. Students Still Enrolled: Displays a count of all students active in the course the report is being generated for on the last day of the reporting period.
To verify your student count, run the following query report:
Reports (Query) > Student > General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Flags > Is Active On > 6/30/2018 – 6/30/2018
9. Non-Graduate Completers: Calculates and displays a count of all students in the reporting period that have the drop code “Employed in field”.
To verify your student count, run the following query reports:
1. Reports (Query) > Student > General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Drop 1 > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
a. Any students with the drop code J will appear in this count.
2. Reports (Query) > Student > General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Drop 2 > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
a. Any students with the drop code J will appear in this count.
10. Graduate Completers: Displays a count of all students enrolled in the course the report is being generated for during the reporting period that has an actual graduation date in the reporting period.
To verify this count, run the following query report:
Reports (Query) > Alumni > Alumni Demographics
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Actual Grad > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
11. Total Completers: Displays the sum of Rows 9 and 10.
12. Non-Graduate Completers Employed in Positions Related to Field of Instruction: Calculates and displays a count of all students in the reporting period that have the drop code “Employed in field” (Same as Row 9).
13. Graduate Completers Employed in Positions Related to Field of Instruction: Displays a count of students enrolled in the course the report is being generated for that have an actual graduation date in the reporting period and have a Graduate Status code of Employed in Field, Active Military Service, or Further Education (A, F2, C).
To verify this count, run the following query report:
Reports (Query) > Alumni > Alumni Demographics
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Actual Grad > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
a. Students that have a graduate status code of A, F2, or C are included in this count.
14. Total Completers Employed in Positions Related to Field of Instruction: Displays the sum Rows 12 and 13.
15. Graduate Completers Employed in Positions Unrelated to Field of Instruction: Displays a count of students enrolled in the course the report is being generated for that have an actual graduation date in the reporting period and have a Graduate Status code of Employed in Unrelated Field (B).
To verify this count, run the following query report:
Reports (Query) > Alumni > Alumni Demographics
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Actual Grad > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
a. Students that have a graduate status code of B are included in this count.
16. Graduate Completers Waiting To Take Licensure Exam PLUS Graduate Completers Who Are Awaiting Results: Displays a count of students enrolled in the course the report is being generated for that have an actual graduation date in the reporting period and have a Pass Place code of Work Permit – Not Tested or Graduated – Did Not Appear (NT or GD).
To verify this count, run the following query report:
Reports (Query) > Alumni > Alumni Demographics
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Actual Grad > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
a. Students that have a pass/place status code of NT/GD are included in this count.
17. Graduate Completers Who Took Licensure Exam: Displays a count of students enrolled in the course the report is being generated for that have an actual graduation date in the reporting period and have a Pass Place code of Failed Practical, Failed Written, Passed State Board/Not Placed, Passed/Placed NON-Related Field, Passed/Other (Unknown), Passed/Placed in Field, Passed/Placed Related Field, Passed/Unavailable for Placement, or Passed/Refused Placement (FP, FW, P, PN, PO, PP, PR, PU, or PX)
To verify this count, run the following query report:
Reports (Query) > Alumni > Alumni Demographics
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Actual Grad > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
a. Students that have a pass/place status code of FP, FW, P, PN, PO, PP, PR, PU, or PX are included in this count.
b. You will also need to make sure they have a License Exam Date input on their Alumni profile; if they had failed one or more portions of the test, input the date they failed the test(s).
18. Graduate Completers Who Passed Licensure Exam: Displays a count of students enrolled in the course the report is being generated for that have an actual graduation date in the reporting period and have a Pass Place code of Passed State Board/Not Placed, Passed/Placed NON-Related Field, Passed/Other (Unknown), Passed/Placed in Field, Passed/Placed Related Field, Passed/Unavailable for Placement, Passed/Refused Placement (P, PN, PO, PP, PR, PU, or PX).
To verify this count, run the following query report:
Reports (Query) > Alumni > Alumni Demographics
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Actual Grad > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
a. Students that have a pass/place status code of P, PN, PO, PP, PR, PU, or PX are included in this count.
19. Graduate Completers Unavailable for Employment: Displays a count of students enrolled in the course the report is being generated for that have an actual graduation date in the reporting period and have a Graduate Status code of Other Unavailable, Incarcerated, Active Military Service, Death, Medical, or International Student (F, F1, F2, F3, F4, or F5).
To verify this count, run the following query report:
Reports (Query) > Alumni > Alumni Demographics
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Actual Grad > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
a. Students that have a graduate status code of F, F1, F2, F3, F4, or F5 are included in this count.
20. Graduate Completers Who Refused Employment: Displays a count of students enrolled in the course the report is being generated for that have an actual graduation date in the reporting period and have a Pass Place code of Passed/Refused Placement (PX).
To verify this count, run the following query report:
Reports (Query) > Alumni > Alumni Demographics
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Actual Grad > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
a. Students that have a pass/place status code of PX are included in this count.
21. Graduate Completers Seeking Employment/Status Unknown: Displays a count of students enrolled in the course the report is being generated for that have an actual graduation date in the reporting period and have a Graduate Status code of Unemployed or Unknown (D or E).
To verify this count, run the following query report:
Reports (Query) > Alumni > Alumni Demographics
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Actual Grad > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
a. Students that have a graduate status code of D or E are included in this count.
22. Withdrawals: Displays a count of students enrolled in the course the report is being generated for that have a drop date in the reporting period; if the student also has a subsequent reenroll date during the date range of the report, they are to be removed from this count.
To verify this count, run the following query reports:
1. Reports (Query) > Student > Student General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Drop 1 > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
a. Students on this report are to be excluded unless they re-enrolled in the same span of time.
2. Reports (Query) > Student > Student General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Drop 2 > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
a. Students on this report are to be excluded unless they re-enrolled in the same span of time.
23. Sum of Rows 16, 19, and 20: Calculates and displays the sum of Rows 16, 19 and 20.
24. Difference - Row 10 minus Row 23: Calculate and display Row 10 Minus Row 23.
25. Difference – Row 11 Minus Row 23: Calculate and display Row 11 Minus Row 23.
26. Graduation Rate (%): Calculates and displays the graduation rate, which is determined by taking the total Graduate Completers (Row 10), divided by the sum of Cumulative Enrollments (Row 7) minus Students Still Enrolled (Row 8), multiplied by 100.
Graduation Rate Equation: Row 10 / (Row 7 – Row 8) *100
27. Total Completion Rate: Calculates and displays the total completion rate, which is determined by taking the Total Completers (Row 11), divided by the sum of Cumulative Enrollments (Row 7) minus Students Still Enrolled (Row 8), multiplied by 100.
Completion Rate Equation: Row 11 / (Row 7 – Row 8) *100
28. Graduate Placement Rate: Calculates and displays the graduate placement rate, which is determined by taking the Graduate Completers Employed in Positions Related to Field of Instruction (Row 13), divided by the Difference – Row 10 Minus Row 23 (Row 24), multiplied by 100.
Graduate Placement Rate Equation: (Row 13 / Row 24) *100
29. Total Placement Rate: Calculates and displays the total placement rate, which is determined by taking the Total Completers Employed in Positions Related to Field of Instruction (Row 14), divided by the Difference – Row 11 Minus Row 23 (Row 25), multiplied by 100.
Total Placement Rate Equation: (Row 14 / Row 25) *100
30. Licensure Exam Pass Rate: Calculates and displays the licensure exam pass rate, which is determined by taking the Graduate Completers Who Passed Licensure Exam (Row 18), divided by the Graduate Completers Who Took Licensure Exam (Row 17), multiplied by 100.
Licensure Exam Pass Rate Equation: (Row 18 / Row 17) *100
COE FTE Calculation Worksheet
This report pulls all scheduled hours in a date range and then divides that number by 900 to find the FTE (full time equivalent). The report will appear with a default date range of 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018, but you are able to enter another date range, if need be. To verify your contact hours, run the following report.
Reports (Standard) > Student > Attendance > Scheduled vs Actual Hours Attendance Date Range
a. Input the start date as the start of your reporting period, and the end date as the end of your reporting period.
b. The last page of this report will provide a total amount of scheduled hours for all students in this date range.
1. The main thing to keep in mind for accurate results is that students will need to have their schedules cleared (wiped out) from after the point of drop or graduation; failure to do so will result inaccurate contact hours being displayed on our report.
*If there are courses that are not to be considered in the FTE calculation, you will need to query the above report for each applicable course, and then combine the total scheduled hours for each course.
COE Record of Allowable Subtractions
This report will provide a count of students who were excluded from the COE reports per the exclusion requirements (see page 1), and categorize them based on those that were active at the Beginning of the reporting period, and those who started within the reporting period (New). A. Students who transferred to another program within the institution: Displays a count of all students that had dropped within the reporting period with a drop code of ‘Transfer to another course (Within School)’.
To verify each count, query the below reports.
Beginning Row 5
1. Reports (Query) > Student > Student General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Flags > Is Active On > 1/1/2017 – 1/1/2017
c. Dates > Drop 1 > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
1. Any students with the drop code B are to be included in this count.
2. Reports (Query) > Student > Student General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Flags > Is Active On > 1/1/2017 – 1/1/2017
c. Dates > Drop 2 > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
1. Any students with the drop code B are to be included in this count.
New Row 6
1. Reports (Query) > Student > Student General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Start Date > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
c. Dates > Drop 1 > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
1. Any students with the drop code B are to be included in this count.
2. Reports (Query) > Student > Student General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Start Date > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
c. Dates > Drop 2 > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
1. Any students with the drop code B are to be included in this count.
B. Students who received a 100% refund of tuition after withdrawal from the program or those who only attended class the first day: Displays a count of students who have a drop date equal to their start date; Beginning Row 5 will not populate anything for this section as our report will not recognize a student who dropped on their start date if they were active before the reporting period.
To verify this count, query the below reports.
New Row 6
1. Reports (Query) > Student > Student General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Start Date > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
c. Dates > Drop 1 > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
1. Any students with a drop date equal to their start date are to be included in this count.
2. Reports (Query) > Student > Student General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Start Date > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
c. Dates > Drop 2 > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
1. Any students with a drop date equal to their start date are to be included in this count.
C. Students documented to be unavailable to earn a credential in their programs due to situations such as: pregnancy, other serious health-related issues (physical/mental/behavioral), caring for ill family members, incarceration, death, etc.: Displays a list of students that were dropped within the reporting period with one of the following drop codes: Health Reasons, Permanently Disabled, Incarceration, or Deceased.
To verify these counts, query the below reports.
Beginning Row 5
1. Reports (Query) > Student > Student General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Flags > Is Active On > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
c. Dates > Drop 1 > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
1. Any students with a drop code of A, S*, T*, or U* are to be included in this count.
2. Reports (Query) > Student > Student General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Flags > Is Active On > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
c. Dates > Drop 2 > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
1. Any students with a drop code of A, S*, T*, or U* are to be included in this count.
New Row 6
1. Reports (Query) > Student > Student General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Start Date > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
c. Dates > Drop 1 > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
1. Any students with a drop code of A, S*, T*, or U* are to be included in this count.
2. Reports (Query) > Student > Student General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Start Date > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
c. Dates > Drop 2 > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
1. Any students with a drop code of A, S*, T*, or U* are to be included in this count.
D. Students who left their program of study before completion to serve with a foreign aid service of the Federal government, such as the Peace Corps; to serve on an official church mission; or, due to military duty activation or relocation (for those students who are active national guard or military before and during program enrollment): Displays a count of students who were dropped within the reporting period with the following drop codes: Active Duty Armed forces, Fed Govt Serv Foreign Aid, or Military Transfer.
To verify these counts, query the below reports.
Beginning Row 5
1. Reports (Query) > Student > Student General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Flags > Is Active On > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
c. Dates > Drop 1 > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
1. Any students with a drop code of E, V*, or X* are to be included in this count.
2. Reports (Query) > Student > Student General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Flags > Is Active On > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
c. Dates > Drop 2 > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
1. Any students with a drop code of E, V*, or X* are to be included in this count.
New Row 6
1. Reports (Query) > Student > Student General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Start Date > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
c. Dates > Drop 1 > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
1. Any students with a drop code of E, V*, or X* are to be included in this count.
2. Reports (Query) > Student > Student General Report
a. Course > Select the applicable course
b. Dates > Start Date > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
c. Dates > Drop 2 > 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018
1. Any students with a drop code of E, V*, or X* are to be included in this count.
D. Secondary students (Some institutions may be required to report completion rate data for secondary students on a separate form): SMART does not track these students, and this would need to be accounted for manually.
Step-by-step guides for utilizing various functions, reports, and data verification in OnlineSMART.