Your SMARTTime system and biometric timeclock may be used to track employee's hours for payroll as well as your student's attendance.
To do this, you will need to add the employees directly into the SMARTTime program using the steps described below:- Open SMARTTime and navigate to the Enrollment List Tab of the Enrollment Menu, using the menu option along the top of the window.
- With the Enrollment List tab open, set Enrollee Type to Employee.

- Once Employee is set as Enrollee Type, you should see the fields at the bottom of the SMARTTime window open up for editing.
a. Enter the Employee's First Name, Last Name, and Assign them to the Active Employees/Appropriate shift using the drop down menu at the very bottom.
b. All other information (SSN, Start Date, Course) do not matter and do not need to be filled out.
- Click Save in the bottom right corner.
After you have saved the employee's information, switch to the Time Clock Enrollment tab to record this new employees ClockID, and then you may enroll their Fingerprint in the Time Clock just as you would for a student.
If you have one of the S900 series Time Clocks (pictured below) the links below will lead to our training resources on how to enroll fingerprints into the Time Clock below:

KnowledgeBase Article:
How to Enroll Fingerprints in the S905 Biometric Time ClockSMARTTime Training Video:
Enrolling Fingerprints in the S905 Time ClockIf you still have the LS-838, the menu options may be similar, but if you are unsure, please feel free to reach out to our Support Team for assistance!