SMART Support Guide for Winter IPEDS 2024-2025

Creation date: 12/2/2024 9:33 AM    Updated: 2/21/2025 8:25 AM    2024 2024/2025 2024-2025 24/25 24-25 annual report ipeds winter winter ipeds winteripeds

General Details

OnlineSMART generates data for the following sections required in Winter IPEDS:

  • 200% Graduation Rates

  • Graduation Rates

  • Student Financial Aid


The Admissions section deals with school information that is not stored in (or able to be completed by) OnlineSMART.

Additionally, most schools would not qualify for the Outcome Measures portion, but SMART Support may have some ideas depending on a school’s procedures if you do need information for this section.

Please make sure all CIP codes are entered for each qualifying course under the Administration > Courses section.

Exclusions from the IPEDS:

  1. These reports exclude any student in a course with no CIP code.
    • If the student’s course does require a CIP code, make sure that it has been entered under Administration > Course > CIP Code
    • if the course is not supposed to have a CIP code, enter a zero (0).
  2. These reports exclude any student who dropped within 4 days if they are in a course less than 900 Hrs, and 14 Days if they are in a course greater the 900 Hrs. These students can be found on the Student List reports associated with each section.

Student Financial Aid

The Student Financial Aid section of IPEDS categorizes qualifying students and then looks at the information entered on their Fin Aid tab. Financial Aid reports do not look at the ledger as a student may be awarded a higher amount of financial aid, but choose not to accept all of it against their balance.

The 04 - Financial Aid Part A to C Student List is provided to assist in detailing which students make up the cohort. To confirm these numbers, perform the following tasks:

  1. Export the 04 - Financial Aid Part A to C Student List to Excel
  2. Click into Cell A1 and within the Home tab, go to Sort & Filter and click the Filter icon

01- Financial Aid Part A

For Lines 02 and 03:

  • Filter by Early Withdrawal (Column I) for “N”

For Line 05:

  • Keep the filters from Lines 02 and 03
  • Filter by Grade Level (Column D) for “First Year, Never Attended”
  • Filter by Enrollment Type (Column C) for “FULL” (Additionally, if you determine HALF or 3/4 to be part of your full time cohort, include those as well
  • Filter by Original Start Date (Column H) to only include months of July, August, September, October, November, and December from 2023 and January, February, March, April, May, June from 2024

For Lines 06 and 07:

  • Keep the filters from Line 05
  • Filter by AY1 PELL (Column K) to exclude 0, record number of students and then clear the filter on this column.
    • Repeat the above step for each Column (K-P), and the sum of these counts will be the total for Line 06
    • If a student has entries in more than one of these Columns (K-P) then the above method will count them as duplicates. You must manually remove these duplicates to get an accurate count.

01- Financial Aid Part B

Ensure you either generate a new 04 - Financial Aid Part A to C Student List report or clear all filters from the prior student list exported to Excel.

NOTE: Since every student enrolled at the vast majority of the schools using SMART will be certificate-seeking, Columns 1 and 5 should be identical, as should Columns 3 and 7

01 Grant and Scholarship Aid from the federal...

  • On your newly generated and exported 04 – Financial Aid Part A to C report, filter AY1 Total Grants or Scholarships Aid (Column T)to exclude 0
  • The count of students (rows) remaining from this filter would be the ‘Number students who were awarded aid’ while the total sum of Column T would be the ‘Total amount of aid awarded’

02 Pell Grants

  • Clear filters from 01
  • Filter by AY1 Pell Total (Column K) to exclude 0
  • The count of students remaining from this filter would be the ‘Number students who were awarded aid’ while the total of this column would be the ‘Total amount of aid awarded’

03 Federal Student Loans

  • Clear filters from 02
  • Filter by AY1 Title IV Loans Total (Column M) to exclude 0
  • The count of students remaining from this filter would be the ‘Number students who were awarded aid’ while the total of this column would be the ‘Total amount of aid awarded’

03 - Financial Aid Part C

Ensure you either generate a new 04 - Financial Aid Part A to C Student List report or clear all filters from the prior student list exported to Excel.

This report is only concerned with your “First Time Full Time” students, so follow these initial filtering steps before following the subsequent filtering steps for each column:

  • Filter by Grade Level (Column D) for “First Year, Never Attended”
  • Filter by Enrollment Type (Column C) for “FULL” (Additionally, if you determine HALF or 3/4 to be part of your full time cohort, include those as well
  • Filter by Original Start Date (Column H) to only include months of July, August, September, October, November, and December from 2023 and January, February, March, April, May, June from 2024

01 Grants and Scholarships from the federal:

  • Filter by Grants and Scholarships SUM (Column T) to exclude 0

02 Federal Grants and Scholarship Aid:

  • The number here is a sum of 03 and 04 Verify those numbers with steps listed below and combine to get the total for 02 Federal Grants

03 Pell Grants:

  • Clear filters from Grants and Scholarships column but retain all other Group 2 Filters
  • Filter by Pell (Column K) to exclude 0
  • The count of students remaining from this filter would be the ‘Number of Group 2 students who were awarded aid’ while the total of this column would be the ‘Total amount of aid awarded to Group 2 Students’

04 Other federal grants:

  • Clear filters from Pell Grants column but retain all other Group 2 Filters
  • Filter by FSEOG (Column L) to exclude 0
  • The count of students remaining from this filter would be the ‘Number of Group 2 students who were awarded aid’ while the total of this column would be the ‘Total amount of aid awarded to Group 2 Students’

05 State/local government grants:

  • Clear filters from other federal grants column but retain all other Group 2 Filters
  • Filter by AY 1 State/Local Grants (Column O) to exclude 0
  • The count of students remaining from this filter would be the ‘Number of Group 2 students who were awarded aid’ while the total of this column would be the ‘Total amount of aid awarded to Group 2 Students’

06 Institutional grants:

  • Clear filters from state/local government grants column but retain all other Group 2 Filters
  • Filter by AY 1 Inst Scholarship (Column Q) to exclude 0
  • The count of students remaining from this filter would be the ‘Number of Group 2 students who were awarded aid’ while the total of this column would be the ‘Total amount of aid awarded to Group 2 Students’

07 Loans to Students:

  • The number here is a sum of 08 and 09. Verify those numbers with steps listed below and combine to get the total 05 Loans to Students

08 Federal Loans to Students:

  • Clear filters from institutional grants column but retain all other Group 2 Filters
  • Filter by Title IV Loans (Column M) to exclude 0
  • The count of students remaining from this filter would be the ‘Number of Group 2 students who were awarded aid’ while the total of this column would be the ‘Total amount of aid awarded to Group 2 Students’

Graduation Rates

These reports look at your full time, first time students that originally started a course that has a CIP code within the reporting range (9/1/2021 – 8/31/2022), categorizes them based on gender and race, and then further breaks down that categorization. This report relies on Sex, Race, Enrollment Type, and Grade Level; so you can run the 10 - Graduation Rates Student List to ensure those boxes are not blank.

The 10 - Graduation Rates List of Students is provided to assist in detailing which students make up Screen 1 cohort. To confirm these numbers, perform the following tasks:

  1. Export the 10 - Graduation Rates List of Students to Excel

  2. Click into Cell A1 and within the Home tab, go to Sort & Filter and click the Filter icon

  3. Filter Enrollment Type (Column G) for FULL and filter Grade Level (Column H) for First Year, Never Attended

05 - Graduation Rates Screen 1

To Verify Column 1 Numbers:

  • Filter by Sex (Column E) and Race (Column F) in accordance to what you’re searching for

06 - Graduation Rates Screen 2

To verify Column 11 numbers:

  • Filter by Course Hours (Column D) for values 1800 and less
  • Filter by Sex (Column E) and Race (Column F) in accordance to what you’re searching for
  • Filter by students that have a Grad Date (Column J)
  • Filter by Grad Within 150% (Column W) for Y

To verify Column 12 numbers:

  • Filter by Course Hours (Column D) for values 1801 and greater
  • Filter by Sex (Column E) and Race (Column F) in accordance to what you’re searching for
  • Filter by students that have a Grad Date (Column J)
  • Filter by Grad Within 150% (Column W) for Y

Column 29 = Column 11 + Column 12

06 - Graduation Rates Screen 3

To verify Column 30 numbers:

  • Filter by Sex (Column E) and Race (Column F) in accordance to what you’re searching for
  • Filter by students that have a Grad Date (Column J)
  • Filter by Drop Description (Column L/N/P) for “Transfer to another school”

To verify Column 45 numbers:

  • Filter by Sex (Column E) and Race (Column F) in accordance to what you’re searching for
  • Filter by students that have a Grad Date (Column J)
  • Filter by Drop Description (Column L/N/P) for “*Deceased”, “*Permanently Disabled”, “*Active Duty Armed Forces”, “*Official Church Mission”, or “*Fed Govt Serv Foreign Aid”

To verify Column 51 numbers:

  • Filter by Sex (Column E) and Race (Column F) in accordance to what you’re searching for
  • Filter by students that have a Grad Date (Column J)
  • Filter by Grad Within 150% (Column W) for Y

06 - Graduation Rates Screen 4

To verify Column 55 numbers:

  • Filter by Course Hours (Column D) for values 1800 and less
  • Filter by Sex (Column E) and Race (Column F) in accordance to what you’re searching for
  • Filter by students that have a Grad Date (Column J)
  • Filter by Grad Within 150% (Column W) for Y

To verify Column 56 numbers:

  • Filter by Course Hours (Column D) for values 1801 and greater
  • Filter by Sex (Column E) and Race (Column F) in accordance to what you’re searching for
  • Filter by students that have a Grad Date (Column J)
  • Filter by Grad Within 150% (Column W) for Y

Column 57 = Column 55 + Column 56

06 - Graduation Rates Screen 2 or 5

To verify Column 10 numbers:

For Recipients of a Pell Grant:

  • Filter by Pell (Column T) for “Y”
    • These students may be a larger count than the Screen 2 or 5 report because the Screen 2 or 5 report looks at students who received Pell in pay periods 11 or 12 and this student list generalizes the student receiving all Pell disbursements.

For Recipients of a Subsidized Stafford Loan that did not receive a Pell Grant:

  • Filter by Pell (Column T) for “N”
  • Filter by Title IV Loans (Column U) for “Y”

For Did not receive either a Pell Grant or Subsidized Stafford Loan:

  • Filter by Pell (Column T) for “N”
  • Filter by Title IV Loans (Column U) for “N”

To verify Column 45 numbers:

For Recipients of a Pell Grant:

  • Filter by Drop Description (Column L/N/P) for “*Deceased”, “*Permanently Disabled”, “*Active Duty Armed Forces”, “*Official Church Mission”, or “*Fed Govt Serv Foreign Aid”
  • Filter by Pell (Column T) for “Y”
    • These students may be a larger count than the Screen 2 or 5 report because the Screen 2 or 5 report looks at students who received Pell in pay periods 11 or 12 and this student list generalizes the student receiving all Pell disbursements.

For Recipients of a Subsidized Stafford Loan that did not receive a Pell Grant:

  • Filter by Drop Description (Column L/N/P) for “*Deceased”, “*Permanently Disabled”, “*Active Duty Armed Forces”, “*Official Church Mission”, or “*Fed Govt Serv Foreign Aid”
  • Filter by Pell (Column T) for “N”
  • Filter by Title IV Loans (Column U) for “Y”

For Did not receive either a Pell Grant or Subsidized Stafford Loan:

  • Filter by Drop Description (Column L/N/P) for “*Deceased”, “*Permanently Disabled”, “*Active Duty Armed Forces”, “*Official Church Mission”, or “*Fed Govt Serv Foreign Aid”
  • Filter by Pell (Column T) for “N”
  • Filter by Title IV Loans (Column U) for “N”

To verify Column 29 or 11 numbers:

For Recipients of a Pell Grant:

  • Filter by students that have a Grad Date (Column J)
  • Filter by Grad Within 150% (Column W) for Y
  • Filter by Pell (Column T) for “Y”
    • These students may be a larger count than the Screen 2 or 5 report because the Screen 2 or 5 report looks at students who received Pell in pay periods 11 or 12 and this student list generalizes the student receiving all Pell disbursements.

For Recipients of a Subsidized Stafford Loan that did not receive a Pell Grant:

  • Filter by students that have a Grad Date (Column J)
  • Filter by Grad Within 150% (Column W) for Y
  • Filter by Pell (Column T) for “N”
  • Filter by Title IV Loans (Column U) for “Y”

For Did not receive either a Pell Grant or Subsidized Stafford Loan:

  • Filter by students that have a Grad Date (Column J)
  • Filter by Grad Within 150% (Column W) for Y
  • Filter by Pell (Column T) for “N”
  • Filter by Title IV Loans (Column U) for “N”

For Less-Than-2-Year-Institutions

You will be required to complete only 2 screens. You will print out all 5 Graduation Rates reports and find the corresponding column that they are asking of you. The only exception is that Column 10 is the same exact data as Screen 1 Column 1. The chart below is a reference for what data you'll need to input to IPEDS and which SMART report you can find it on.

IPEDS Data Column 10 Column 45 Column 11 Column 55 Column 30 Column 51
SMART Report Screen 1 (column 1) Screen 3 Screen 2 Screen 4 Screen 3 Screen 3

Once you reach IPEDS Graduation Rates Screen 2 of 2, print the 12 - Graduation Rates Screen 2 or 5 report in OnlineSMART and it will be a direct match for entering into IPEDS.

200% Graduation Rates

This report looks at your full time, first time students that originally started a course that has a CIP code within the reporting range (9/1/2020 – 8/31/2021) and further categorizes them based on them dropping, graduating, or still being enrolled. This report relies on Enrollment Type, Grade Level, and Original Start Date; you may run the 12 - 200% Graduation Rates List of Students to ensure those boxes are not blank.

The 12 - 200% Graduation Rates List of Students is provided to assist in detailing which students make up the numbers in the 11 - 200% Graduation Rates report in OnlineSMART. To confirm these numbers, perform the following tasks:

  1. Export the 12 - 200% Graduation Rates List of Students to Excel

  2. Click into Cell A1 and within the Home tab of Excel, go to Sort & Filter and click the Filter icon

For 06 Additional exclusions (between 151%-200% of normal time):

  • Filter Enrollment Type (Column D) for FULL
  • Filter Grade Level (Column E) for First Year, Never Attended
  • Further filter by Additional Exclusions (Column Q) for Y.

For 08 Number of students in the cohort who completed a program between 151%-200% of normal time to completion:

  • Filter Enrollment Type (Column D) for FULL
  • Filter Grade Level (Column E) for First Year, Never Attended
  • Further filter by 151-200% Completer (Column R) for Y.

For 09 Still enrolled as of 200% of normal time to completion:

  • Filter Enrollment Type (Column D) for FULL
  • Filter Grade Level (Column E) for First Year, Never Attended
  • Further filter by Still Enrolled at 200% (Column S) for Y
    • As Enrollment Type, Grade Level, and Original Start Date are important fields for this report, ensure that none of your students within the 12 - 200% Graduation Rates List of Students report have a blank entry for these fields.

Please Remember that SMART Support is available to address any questions during normal business hours.

Feel free to reach out to us via phone at (480) 744-0050 during our office hours of Monday - Friday 7:00AM - 3:30PM MST.

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Step-by-step guides for utilizing various functions, reports, and data verification in OnlineSMART.